ere are more tropical fish species out there than you could ever count. You want your tank to be filled with beautiful fish that will give you hours of enjoyment. Here are some of the more popular fish species that people are including in their aquariums.

The fish species we will be talking about here are all freshwater fish. For beginners, freshwater tanks are easier to take care of and afford. They give you just as much fun and pleasure as saltwater without the learning curve. You can always adapt your tank for buy a new one to accommodate saltwater tropical fish in the future.

Catfish – There are several species of tropical catfish you can keep in your tank. The best thing about catfish is that they are bottom feeders. They will eat food from the lower end of the tank and scavenge around. They are perfect for community environments since they keep to themselves on the bottom. Use a soft surface on the bottom of the tank since they forage for food there. They can grow to up to four inches.


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